Educators Community

Looking After You!

World Mental Health Day is observed every year to raise awareness and chase away the stigma of mental health issues. The more open we are, the more understanding and supportive the community, the more mentally healthy our society will be. Last Saturday 10th October was World Mental Health Day, and this year the message was… Read more

Working it Out!

It takes time for young people to develop the skills and attitudes, as well as the values that are required to navigate a successful transition from school to further study, employment and the responsibilities of adult life. At Tracy Marsh Publications we believe that every young Australian needs a line of sight towards their future… Read more

Brave New Virtual World

COVID 19 has turned life on its head for so many of us; but we’ve proven to be pretty flexible in dealing with the challenges of isolation, social restrictions and closed borders. We have been living in a world of ZOOM meetings and phone appointments. A big night in revolves around Netflix and DELIVEROO; and… Read more


You might already be using digital portfolios in the classroom, but if you’re not, they’re a great idea. Digital portfolios capture aspects of your school life. They’re a way to collect, store and display work electronically, from written assignments to artwork, lab experiments to physical projects, academic awards to school reports. You can blog it,… Read more