Is your school considering Work Experience for students this year?

With the new COVID safe procedures that have been introduced in many workplaces – finding work experience will be even more difficult for students than it has been in the past.

At Work-Ready we’ve found a way to give every student, no matter where they are in Australia, the opportunity to prepare for and engage in work experience in a positive and pro-active way.

The My Work Experience workbook is ideal to help students to thoroughly prepare for their work experience placement, and if they don’t have a placement, they can do virtual work experience in a business of their choice, without having to attend a physical workplace.

The My Work Experience workbook helps students to create a workplace avatar and guides them through a virtual work placement. It demands as much research, reflection and commitment as physical work experience, and will give them valuable insight into the job or industry they would like to be a part of.

My Work Experience workbook allows students to

  • Develop their research skills
  • Research a job or industry that interests them
  • Find and apply for their ideal work experience placement
  • Understand how to dress and act appropriately
  • Get to know the people they will be working with and the right questions to ask
  • Learn about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace environment
  • Learn how to deal with workplace challenges
  • Understand the skills and attitudes they will need along the way
  • Gain the confidence to take the next step on their career pathway

My Work Experience is available to schools right now, so jump on to the Work-Ready website, go to the BOOKSHOP to take a look.

Order My Work Experience workbook now for each of your students so that they can prepare for their work experience placement – whether that’s physical or virtual