Information Technology is a part of everything we do, at home, at school, at work, in government, business and the community. But it’s about more than just computers.
It includes all of the technology that allows us to share and store information. That is all of our devices, television, the radio, the Internet and the intricate tangle of digital systems and computer networks that move data through cyberspace.


From almost anywhere in the world

IT at our fingertips allows us to make phone calls, shop, listen to podcasts, plan itineraries, book flights, access government services, pay our bills, apply for jobs and participate in online communities. In other words, IT allows us to connect – and as we connect we leave a trail of information about ourselves, and that’s a LOT of data!

What is Data?

That’s information that has been converted to a digital form so that it can be stored, processed and moved quickly from one place to another – you know, in a voice mail, or as a document, or even a ‘LIKE’ on social media…

The trouble is…

Although IT has improved the way we connect, it’s also made us vulnerable to cyber crime. That’s where cyber criminals: fishing scammers, Internet stalkers, identity thieves and cyber terrorists hack into systems and steal data to commit crime.

It’S serious stuff!

Online crime costs Australians and Australian businesses millions of dollars and a lot of heartache every year. It’s even a threat to our national security!

But there’s a silver lining

All of this means that jobs and careers in the cyber security industry are a sure fire bet for the future, whether that’s in private industry, government, law enforcement or Defence.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is the protection of computer systems, networks and data against unauthorised access and cyber attack. It’s a growing industry with a vast array of jobs. Take a look at a few:

Incident Responder
  • Be the first responder in emergency breach situations
  • Solve issues, run tests, write incident reports and improve systems
Forensic Expert
  • Analyse and investigate security breaches
  • Assist in law enforcement
  • Assess and help to build better defences
Penetration Tester
  • Hack into computer systems to test their vulnerability
  • Write new codes and software packages


So, if you have these skills and attributes:

  • A strong ethical code
  • An analytical mindset
  • An inquisitive nature
  • The ability to identify trends
  • An understanding or passion for web development and programming

Don’t go over to the dark side of Black Hat Hackers. Use your skills for good instead of evil and consider a career in CYBER SECURITY.

Getting into Cyber Security

TAFE offers national cyber security certification courses, and universities throughout Australia offer Bachelor Degrees in computer science and information technology.

Check out the TAFE website in your state or territory, and the websites below to find something that suits you.


ALC, Information/Cyber Security Training for all Levels


Open Universities Australia, Cyber Security


You can find out more about IT and CYBER SECURITY in the new Work-Ready module coming soon!