We can all agree that 2020 has been an upside-downsy, inside outsy, disrupted kind of year. Who knows what’s around the corner, just bring on the holidays already!

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves!

There’s still the final push to be had with assessment tasks to be handed up and those dreaded exams to prepare for.

Getting students to focus on studying for exams can be difficult in the most normal of times (if there is such a thing). How can we get them to focus right now?

We’re not going to kid you into believing we have all of the answers, and it’s more than likely you have been encouraging your students to develop their study strategies for a while now. It may be late in the day, but if you need it, here’s something else that might help to get them on track.

If there’s still time

  • Jump on to Work-Ready and create a class folder for study tips
  • Go to the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT module
  • Add ‘Learning Styles’ to your study tips folder to share with your students
  • Remember, your students need to be registered to have access to the folder – alternatively you could print out the resources or display them on your smart board.

If your students take the QUIZ to identify their learning style, they can follow the SWOT (study without tears) strategy that suits them best. It’s all there!

They can also jump onto the EQUIPD e-magazine from any device and take a look at ‘Study Tips’.

Good luck with it all. The rest is up to them!